Saturday, May 23, 2015

Zip, Bang, Boom!

Two little quilts for two little firecrackers.

When I was in high school, I had a great group of guy friends.

Even better, I still have a great great of guy friends :)

And for the cherry on top, they have married (or are about to marry) some fantastic women. My friend Rob set the bar really high when he married Holly.

She is an amazing entrepreneur and after countless hours of work squeezed in between a day job, husband and child, her business is really taking off. Please go and check out her shop, MarshMueller, full of goodies for little ones in fabulous fabrics!

Before Tatum was born we were over at Rob and Holly's. It just so happened that Holly was also pregnant, with her second baby. Our boys were due just a few months apart and even though Buddy and I were keeping the baby's name to ourselves, we thought it was important to compare notes with our friends :)

During the conversation, it came out that we were both thinking about names that resulted in awesome initials, TNT for us and BAM for them. Hehe.

SO, when I saw this fabric when I was shopping for flannel for burp clothes, I had to have it and I had to turn it into matching quilts for the boys.

I wanted the quilts to be simple and graphic so I went with a brick layout in bright solids and geometric prints. I searched online for a font that captured the comic book theme. It took some doing, but I think I hit the nail on the head!

The applique foot for my Bernina makes this kind of thing a breeze.


This picture gives and interesting view of shrinkage since the TNT quilt has been washed and BAM's has not.

I love how these turned out. I may have spoiled the surprise for Holly a bit, but I think she'll forgive me ;)

I smell a photo shoot in our future!!!

Linking up:


  1. Love your Bam! and TNT quilts! What a great story, and wonderful pictures of your friends.

  2. What a fun way to come up with a quilt theme. Your friends must have been the cool guys in high school. Funny how guys change when there's a family to support and protect. Their smiles in the second pic show that change. Your quilts are fun and have a great story. I'm sure the new ones will quickly learn to recognize their names thanks to your pretty quilts.
