I love leather. I have lots of leather things. Frye Boots are probably my most favorite leather thing. In addition to that, I love leather purses and leather details on purses. So of course it is something that I am interested in being able to do for myself. I got very excited a while back about getting into leather working. Then, I realized that it was a wholly different world with a steep learning curve and I had no idea where to start. I decided that it would be best to hold off on leather and focus instead on furthering my sewing and quilting skills. Enter My Friend Elma.
The Teacher Arrives
After a very long break, The Husband and I reconnected with some friends of ours. During our lengthy catch-up discussion Elma shared that she had started leather working. My ears perked up, picture this:Graciously, Elma agreed to show me the ropes of working with leather. This made me excited for two reasons: One, yay!, leather and Two, more time with Elma, double yay!
My First Project and Then Some
We ran off to the leather store and got lots of supplies and fun stuff to play with. After Elma went home I was left to play with all my new toys, which involved the family joining in and hammering away at some leather scraps.
This is what that looked like:
This is what that looked like:
Elma came over the following week and walked me through the process of stamping, dying, finishing and riveting the leather. While we were doing all this, I had the awesome idea of creating custom zipper pulls for my make-up bags. I immediately created a little sample with some scraps:
During all of this, I was plotting my next move. Something that I have always wanted to be able to do with my bags is add leather handles. I just needed a bag to add a handle to, so I made this cute little bag from the One Yard Wonders book. The outside with Essex Linen in Black and the lining is from Anna Maria Horner's Field Study line.
Now it just needs a handle! Here is my little mock-up of my handle design:

Then I added some dye options:

After this was the agonizing decision making part. This part can take a really long time and is usually only aided by my intense desire to finish the project. In this case, only at the very last minute, and against all my natural color loving tendencies, I chose black. Here it is all finished and put together!